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Aihe Venäjän metsätalous  (Luettu 5126 kertaa)

Terminator II

  • Agronetin kehitysryhmä
  • Mestari
  • Jäsenryhmäluokka:
  • Viestejä: 16939
  • YTK:FI
Vs: Venäjän metsätalous
Positiivisia puolia olisi kyllä siinä, että paperitehtaan sosialistit saisi tehdä töitä puoli-ilmaiseksi ja suomalainen metsäteollisuus olisi joutunut kehittämään tosissaan uusia tuotteita, kun bulkilla ei kerta kaikkiaan pärjäisi. ;D

Oiköhän Suomi sosialistit ois nekin tehtaat saaneet ajettua alas.
Vasen silmä jos on musta, niin vasurit veti kuonoon! Oikea slmä jos on musta, niin kapitalistilta tuli kuonoon! mutta jos kumpikin silmä on musta, niin kannatat demokratiaa!


  • Agronetin kehitysryhmä
  • Mestari
  • Jäsenryhmäluokka:
  • Viestejä: 27223
  • Ut sementem feeceris, ita metes.
Siberian Cut
Tässä on Tuubista amerikkalainen tosi-tv -sarja venäläisestä metsätaloudesta, Siberian Cut.
Pakkasta, Ponsseja ja perseilyä... ynnä kaikkea muuta. ::)

"Sean Vann is an American Logger with a plan -- a big plan. He's worked in the Russian forestry industry for the last seventeen years...but he's always been working for a boss. Now Sean is putting everything on the line for the opportunity of a lifetime in deepest Siberia. He has a 3-month contract to cut wood, set up his own operation and become master of his own destiny. There's just one snag: in order to fulfill his dream, Sean needs more men. He brings four American loggers to the frozen wilds of Siberia -- to work alongside his own Siberian crew. If Sean can fulfill his contract with the Russian colonel who runs the land, he is set to make hundreds of thousands of dollars. But if his dual nationality crew can't work together -- and survive temperatures of 40 below -- Sean's dream will be over before it even started

Overview: This series follows American logger Sean Vann as he attempts to build a new logging operation in the frozen forests of Siberia. Vann has been logging in Russia for 17 years and landed a contract to log the world’s largest forest in Siberia. Vann looks to American loggers who are experiencing a recession and convinces a group of men from Montana and Oregon to leave the forests of America and seek their fortunes in the sub-zero ground of Siberia where they must work side by side with a Russian crew who have a very different view of the world, and a completely different way of working. The two crews will face each other, drive their convoy of logging machines deep into the forest, confront angry villagers, and cross the Trans-Siberian Railway during a storm all before they even begin to cut the timber that they hope will earn them their fortunes."


Tässä brittiläisiä kokemuksia Arkangelin metsistä. Kuokkivat sentään avojuuritaimia aukolle.

Englishman vs Russia: Men of the Forests https://youtu.be/L_5ri4Dh7e8

Viimeksi muokattu: 13.04.16 - klo:22:59 kirjoittanut kantola

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