Lainaus käyttäjältä: Courtney1 - 28.09.11 - klo:14:00...ja sitten vielä selitys massikkamiehille:"I should do somethin' sexy to a tractor." Kuulostaa foneettisesti samalta kuin"I should do somethin' sexy to attract her." Timpastakos Tina Turner laulelikin...steamy windows...kun yleenaä Timppa zumbailee kuitenkin ämmäähffän"sisällä"...
...ja sitten vielä selitys massikkamiehille:"I should do somethin' sexy to a tractor." Kuulostaa foneettisesti samalta kuin"I should do somethin' sexy to attract her."
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Greenpwr - 28.09.11 - klo:14:16Lainaus käyttäjältä: Courtney1 - 28.09.11 - klo:14:00...ja sitten vielä selitys massikkamiehille:"I should do somethin' sexy to a tractor." Kuulostaa foneettisesti samalta kuin"I should do somethin' sexy to attract her." Timpastakos Tina Turner laulelikin...steamy windows...kun yleenaä Timppa zumbailee kuitenkin ämmäähffän"sisällä"...Niin, ehkä tossa "vitsissä" oli ensin soundtrackkinä se Private Dancer ja sitten tuli se Steamy Windows
Mun Masseyvitsi on 240-puiman kulkukyky,paripyörin se tietysti parani huomattavasti.Ne hankkijan turpottamat Ferkut oli ihan yksilöitä,toiset tehokkaita ja toiset ei.Summassa ukot lisäsi syöttöä jakajapumppuun.Vanhat isot Ferkut tuli kalliiksi jos pikavaihde hajosi.
Mistä tietää että talossa on Massikka?Kun menee kylään huomaa ensin että talossa on kolminkertaiset ikkunat.Sisäänkäydessä huomaa että talossa kaksinkertainen ovi.Sisällä pirtin pöydän ääressä istuu yksinkertainen isäntä..
Oot tainut joskus käydä meillä...
Foneettista MF-huumoria:De Citonni is passing by Timppa's barn one day, when through a gap in the door he sees him doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old red Massey Ferguson.Butt clenched, he performs a slow pirouette and gently slides off first the right boot, followed by the left.He then hunches his shoulders forward, and in a classic striptease move, lets his suspenders fall down from his shoulders to dangle by his hips over his jeans.Grabbing both sides of his plaid shirt he rips it apart to reveal his beer stained t-shirt underneath and with a final flourish he tosses his ball cap onto a haystack."What in tarnation are you doin', Timppa?" says de Citonni."Whoa de Citonni, ya scared the heck outta me", says an obviously embarrassed Timppa, "but me and the Missus been having some trouble lately in the bedroom department, and the therapist said I should do somethin' sexy to a tractor."
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Courtney1 - 28.09.11 - klo:13:59Foneettista MF-huumoria:De Citonni is passing by Timppa's barn one day, when through a gap in the door he sees him doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old red Massey Ferguson.Butt clenched, he performs a slow pirouette and gently slides off first the right boot, followed by the left.He then hunches his shoulders forward, and in a classic striptease move, lets his suspenders fall down from his shoulders to dangle by his hips over his jeans.Grabbing both sides of his plaid shirt he rips it apart to reveal his beer stained t-shirt underneath and with a final flourish he tosses his ball cap onto a haystack."What in tarnation are you doin', Timppa?" says de Citonni."Whoa de Citonni, ya scared the heck outta me", says an obviously embarrassed Timppa, "but me and the Missus been having some trouble lately in the bedroom department, and the therapist said I should do somethin' sexy to a tractor."