Tervetuloa, Vieras. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu tai rekisteröidy.
  • Tavallinen aihe

Aihe Tämmöisiä huijaussähköposteja liikkeellä  (Luettu 1124 kertaa)


  • Vieras

Good Day, Dear Selected Winner,

Subject: You have won GBP £ 300,000.00 (three hundred thousand pounds sterling)

Congratulations, your address is among the two lucky winners, that won £ 300,000.00 GBP (Three Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling) each in the just concluded European Post Code Lottery Promotion Award 2009 held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, sponsored by The People's Postcode Trust.

For your Prize Claim Contact: Mr. Samuel Taylor (Promotion Claim Manager) on telephone number: 00 44 752 988 1221
Alternatively email: (Samuel.taylor (at) mcom.com) replace the "at" with the symbol "@"

-and also provide the following information via email for the processing of your Prize Fund.

Claims Requirements:
* Full Name: ---------------------------------------------- ---------
* Full Postal Address: --------------------------------------------- ----------- * Zip Code: -------
* Nationality: -------------------------* Age: ----------
* Occupation: ------------------------------------- * Phone / Fax: ----- ----------------------
* Alternate Email Address: ----------------------

Winning information attached to your email:
* Promotion Claim Reference: 07VZ-Y654522-09-PP
* Our Reference: 980047-002623 - PP-073

Please quote your Reference Numbers in any Promotion claim correspondences with your designated agent.

Yours Faithfully,

Thomas Grundl
Promotion coordinator
Postal Code Peoples Trust
Admin Team

Winning Postal Address Security Code
Draw Notification Date: 08/12/2009

Please do not reply in this emailbox. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.
REPLY TO EMAIL BOX: (Samuel.taylor (at) mcom.com) replace the "at" with the symbol "@" - REPLY WITH THE DETAILS AS REQUESTED ABOVE.

Es weihnachtet sehr! Vom leckerem Backrezept bis zum leckeren Schneehasen finden Sie alles im Weihnachtsspecial von Arcor.de:
Feliz Navidad, God Yul, Merry X-Mas und ein frohes Fest!

Suuri Ajattelija

  • Vieras
Vs: Tämmöisiä huijaussähköposteja liikkeellä
Eihän tuo huijausta ole, tuo on jonkinlaista kompensaatiota etelän köyhille viljelijöille.
Älä siis ihmeessä jätä käytämättä tilaisuutta. Ei pohjoisen tuen viljelijöille tuollaisia etuja jaeta.